In the Community Newsletter: May 2024

Join Us for the Facilitator Training on Reconciliation Circles

We are excited to offer a special facilitator training session on June 8th, focused on leading Reconciliation Circles. These circles aim to address harm and conflict without relying on punitive systems, promoting healing and accountability instead.

About Reconciliation Circles

Reconciliation Circles provide a space for individuals to come together after harm has occurred. Participants explore needs, work towards accountability, and seek healing. This approach values every participant’s voice and encourages open conversation and contributions throughout the process.

Training Details

Date: June 8th, 9:30-4:30

Location: Full Picture Justice Headquarters @16th St. & Mission

Focus: Leading Reconciliation Circles to address harm and conflict

Cost: Full Picture Justice is pleased to provide this training at no cost to participants.

Who Should Attend: Community members who want to learn more about restorative justice. Educators are encouraged to apply!

What to Expect

This training will introduce participants to the reconciliation circle, a restorative practice designed to directly address harm or conflict between individuals wishing to make amends. Our method emphasizes the importance of valuing each participant and fostering a collaborative learning environment. Our ultimate goal is to build a community of circle keepers who can learn from each other and apply these practices within their own communities.

Limited Spots Available

We have a few spots remaining for this training. If you are interested in participating, please check out the application to learn more and secure your place.

Don’t miss this opportunity to become part of a growing movement focused on restorative justice and community healing. We look forward to working with you to create a more compassionate and accountable community.

Join our Training

Meet Ellison Millare: Empowering Through Technology at Full Picture Justice

As a participant in the Tuesday circle at Full Picture Justice and a graduate of the Computer Learning Center with a Technical Associates Degree in Information Technology & Network Support, I am thrilled to serve as the Tech Trainer here at Full Picture Justice.

About My Role

In my role, I provide hands-on training and coaching on basic computer and smartphone skills. This opportunity allows me to leverage my life experiences, including being part of the system, to open new doors for myself and others in communities impacted by similar challenges.

Why It Matters

Technology is a powerful tool for community connectivity, personal growth, and self-sufficiency in today’s digital world. My goal is to share my knowledge and help others harness the potential of technology to improve their lives.

Our Mission

At Full Picture Justice, we strive to support confidence, dignity, and self-sufficiency. Our mission includes providing technological training and resources to communities affected by systemic challenges, helping them navigate and thrive in a digital age.

Join Us

Together, we can foster a more connected and empowered community. I look forward to sharing what I know and helping others grow.

In Community,

Ellison Millare

Schedule a Training Session With Ellison

New Community Healing Circle in the Tenderloin

Since April, the Tenderloin neighborhood has seen the launch of a new initiative aimed at fostering healing and building community. In a collaboration with Dean Preston’s office, Rigo is leading a dedicated space for residents to come together and support one another.

What’s Happening?

Twice a month on Sundays, from 2:30-4:00, the Tenderloin Community Healing Circle welcomes residents to participate in sessions designed to promote healing, connection, and solidarity. The circle offers a safe and supportive environment for people to share their experiences, discuss challenges, and find collective strength.

Why It Matters

The Tenderloin is a vibrant neighborhood with a rich history, but it also faces unique challenges. Many residents experience issues such as homelessness, substance abuse, and mental health struggles. The Healing Circle aims to address these challenges by providing a space where people can feel heard, understood, and supported.

Who Can Attend?

The circle is open to all residents of the Tenderloin. Whether you’re seeking a sense of community, a place to share your story, or simply a supportive environment, you’re welcome to join.

Spread the Word

We encourage you to share this opportunity with friends and neighbors. Building a strong, supportive community starts with each of us.

Join Us

We look forward to seeing you at the Tenderloin Community Healing Circle, taking place this month on June 9th and June 23rd. If you have a question, please contact Melissa from Dean Preston’s Office at (210) 323-7695. Together, we can create a space for healing, growth, and community. Let’s make the Tenderloin a place where everyone can find support and build lasting connections. See you there!

Learn More About Healing Circles

Is 2024 the Year You Conquer the Alcatraz Swim? Join Us for a Cause!

Are you ready to take on the challenge of the Alcatraz swim? Consider joining the Full Picture Justice team for the annual fundraising swim from Alcatraz! We're seeking enthusiastic swimmers to help raise funds for our impactful programs.

Why Alcatraz?

Alcatraz Island, infamous for its federal prison, stands as a stark reminder of the harsh realities of punitive justice in our society. Each year, the Full Picture Justice team swims from Alcatraz to San Francisco, symbolically bridging the gap between the isolated island and the supportive shores. This swim serves as both a fundraiser and a campaign to raise awareness about the harmful effects of incarceration on our communities.

Event Details

Date: September 7th, 2024

Location: Alcatraz Island to Aquatic Park in San Francisco

Cost: Full Picture Justice covers your registration fee

We'll support you throughout the entire process—from fundraising guidance to swim preparation. And, of course, there will be plenty of time to celebrate our achievements together!

How to Join

Interested in participating? Fill out the registration form to secure your spot on the team. Hurry, as spots are limited! If the team fills up, you'll be placed on a waitlist.

Training Swim

Our first weekly training swim at Aquatic Park is on Sunday, June 9th, at 10:00 am. This is a fantastic chance to experience swimming in the Bay and start preparing for the big event.

Spread the Word

Invite your friends and family to join our team! The more, the merrier as we brave the waters together. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Sign up now and make 2024 the year you swim from Alcatraz for a cause. We look forward to seeing you in the water!

Join our Swim Team

Global Trends in Death Penalty: Progress and Setbacks in 2023

At Full Picture Justice, our mission is to end the death penalty and repair its harm on our communities. 2023 has been a pivotal year in the global landscape of the death penalty, marked by both troubling setbacks and promising advancements. Amnesty International's latest report highlights a paradoxical trend: the lowest number of countries in recent history carried out the highest number of known executions in nearly a decade.

A Spike in Executions and Its Disproportionate Impact

Iran has emerged as a significant contributor to this surge, with an alarming rise in drug-related executions. These actions blatantly disregard international restrictions on capital punishment and disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially the Baluchi ethnic minority. Despite these figures, the data does not account for the thousands of executions believed to occur in China, North Korea, and Vietnam, where state secrecy shrouds the true extent of capital punishment.

Secrecy and State Control

Secrecy remains a powerful tool for governments in these countries, using the death penalty to instill fear and demonstrate state power. In China and Vietnam, execution figures are classified as state secrets, and in North Korea, the veil of secrecy is occasionally lifted to serve as a grim reminder of the consequences of defying state rules. Myanmar’s military authorities continue to impose death sentences through secretive and grossly unfair military-controlled courts. Similarly, in the USA, some states are attempting to conceal execution methods, with Alabama notably redacting significant parts of its controversial new protocol for executions by nitrogen asphyxiation.

Political Rhetoric and Electoral Influence

In some countries, pro-death penalty rhetoric has taken center stage following high-profile crimes or in the lead-up to elections, despite evidence that the death penalty does not uniquely deter crime. For instance, South Korea’s National Assembly amended laws to include the death penalty for crimes against newborns after a series of high-profile cases. This issue also featured in presidential campaigns in Taiwan and the USA, reflecting its persistent political leverage.

Promising Reforms and Human Rights Milestones

Amid these challenges, 2023 has also seen significant reforms. In July, Pakistan repealed the death penalty for drug-related offenses, Malaysia abolished the mandatory death penalty, and Ghana’s Parliament voted to remove it from their criminal and military codes. These reforms illustrate that when governments prioritize human rights, they can shift from retribution to focusing on crime prevention and rehabilitation.

A Global Shift Towards Abolition

The majority of countries worldwide have already abolished the death penalty in law or practice, reflecting a global trend towards its eradication. By the end of 2023, repeal bills were pending in the parliaments of Kenya, Liberia, and Zimbabwe, offering renewed hope that global abolition is within reach. Full Picture Justice’s commitment to transformative justice aligns with the global trend towards the abolition of the death penalty, and we remain dedicated to contributing to a more humane and just world. These developments demonstrate that with a human rights-centered approach, we can continue to move towards a future free from the death penalty.

Read the Report

Support us!

Client and family support, advocacy, and community initiatives are solely funded from philanthropic investment and community support. Here is how your donations can support our work:

$15k - send the Full Picture Justice staff to the Capital Case Defense Seminar

$10k - fund the summer Youth Restorative Justice Leadership Internship

$5k - train and mentor 30 participants to become Healing Circle Keepers

$1K - training for and facilitating Reconciliation Circles

$400 - support one month of the Treasure Island Healing Circle

$100 - buy holiday gifts for a client’s family

$75 -  offer dinner for one of the Mission Healing Circle meetings

$25 -  provide one hour of hands-on tech training  for systems-impacted people

Recurring Donations

Recurring donations provide a steady stream of revenue that enables us to plan and execute our programs with confidence. Please consider a monthly donation.

Donate to Full Picture Justice

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Click below to find out if your employer will match your gift to Full Picture Justice and to send your matching gift request to them.

Employer Matching Gifts Database

Support Full Picture Justice

Help us end the death penalty and repair its harm on our communities.
Support Us
Community Resource Initiative, DBA Full Picture Justice, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | Tax ID 26-0564961
3030B 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Mailing Address: PO Box 411347, San Francisco, CA 94141